There are many books on Recreational Mathematics and Pre College Maths which even laypersons can appreciate and enjoy. These books may be helpful in preparing for Quantitative Aptitude also as many questions are adapted by the examiners from these books. Given below is a list of good books, in random order, one may wish to read at leisure.
(1) Golden
Ratio by Mario Livio
(2) Fermat’s
Last Theorem by Simon Singh
(3) Story
of e by Eli Maor
(4) The
Magic of Numbers by Eric Temple Bell
(5) The
Lighter side of Mathematics by Richard K Guy
(6) The
Colors of Infinity by Prof Ian Stewart
(7) Cabinet
of Mathematical Curiosities by Ian Stewart
(8) Mathematical
Recreations by Martin Gardener
(9) The
Little book of Big Primes by Paulo Ribenboim
(10) Math Charmers by Posamantier
(11) Puzzles to Puzzle you by Shakuntala Devi
(12) Joy of
Mathematics by Theonny Pappas
(13) The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and
Interesting Numbers by David Wells
(14) 123…Infinity
by George Gamov
(15) Amusements
in Mathematics by H E Dudeney
(16) Pi Unleashed by Jorg Arndt
(17) The pleasures of Pi, e and other interesting Numbers by Y E O Adrian
(18) The Fabulous Fibonacci Numbers by Posamantier
(19) The simple solution to Rubik's Cube by Nourse
(20) Dr. Euler's fabulous Formula by Paul J Nahin